Three Peas and God - Sweet Pod!

Three Peas and God - Sweet Pod!

Sunday, September 7, 2014


So I keep having this feeling that I should write something today.  Something profound yet I don't feel like I have anything truly profound to share.  Does profound today mean sharing some the personal struggles that I have?  I dunno, I don't necessarily see anything I have to share about them all that profound or even all that inspiring to be honest.

As things have settled into their new norm I have been becoming more and more accustomed to this temporary homemaker role.  It's kind of nice really.  Taking care of a family is indeed a full time job and while I'm enjoying it, I'm also not doing so hot in some areas of this job while I'm kicking tail in other areas.  So I guess I need to work on that one.  But its all that stuff that no one likes to do really - house cleaning, laundry, etc.  You know, the gross stuff.  :)

A lot of my time is also spent researching the whole issue surrounding our home and what appears to be some pretty shady behaviors at the hands of the bank.  It really has become fascinating to me learning some of the various things many banks are doing to people, the avenues taken to foreclose on people illegally.  Heck, some people find themselves in foreclosure despite having made all their payments on time each month.  It is just insanity really, when you peel back the layers of what has been going for the past several years.  I urge anyone reading this who is a homeowner, even if everything is peachy with your mortgage, educate yourself.

Foreclosures don't just happen to people who appear to be deadbeats who just aren't paying their bills.  As one of the people who haven't been able to pay that bill I assure you we are not deadbeats.  So many people try and try and try to work with their lenders only to be jerked around and flat out lied to when they truly are trying to act in good faith.  If you have the understanding that people in foreclosure are simply not paying their bills or trying to "get a free house" or any number of other perceptions, many of us are not those people.  

Still trying to come up with something profound here.  I guess if I'm trying to come up with something that's kind of an indication that there might not be much to say today.

Guess I'll end with something that I have said many times before.  God is just so incredibly awesome.  He gives grace to all of us even though none of us deserve any bit of it.  He loves us no matter what we've done, no matter how horrible we might think ourselves to be.  He invites us all to come to Him in our genuine brokenness, warts and all and envelops us in a love that is truly indescribable!  God has continually shown us the path He's laid before us and even when we stumble or wander off the road, He is there to guide us back on track.  And yeah, sometimes He does it with a pretty good whack and then there are other times when our redirection is a bit more gentle.  It all depends on what He knows we need to get the message!  I know I've been redirected back with both - the gentle and the not so gentle kick in the pants methods.  I am forever grateful that God cares enough and loves me enough to make sure I get back to where He knows I need to be.

Perhaps the next time I write the things I have to say will be a lot more interesting.  Maybe not but either way, thanks for taking a few moments to entertain my thoughts!

Have a blessed day!

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