Three Peas and God - Sweet Pod!

Three Peas and God - Sweet Pod!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Surgical Info (in the event you were curious)

So several folks have asked and I figured I'd put some of the 411 here:

Regarding my shoulder surgery here's what's what for next week!

-Surgery is at 8:30AM next Wednesday
-Procedure should take an hour unless they find other stuff that needs to be repaired (rotator cuff  damage type stuff)
-Should be home by lunchtime-ish and if you call me after I get settled that could possibly be one of  the most hilarious conversations we ever have.  ;)
-I have rides to and from and Brian and Samantha are taking shifts caring for me after I get home
-We're stocked up on noms for me and the family so we're set for food and we've already taken care of my post-op meds

Arm will be slung for a bit - how long depends on all they end up doing in there - I might need to ask someone to give me a ride to church 11/24 but we shall see - I'm determined to drive myself if at all possible and I can be quite stubborn!

I would ask that you all pray for me the morning of my procedure and pray for the docs and other medical folks taking care of me that morning!

Thanks friends!

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